Eventually, everyone has a need to address a matter involving a will or an estate. Whether assisting a loved one with preparing for the future or creating a succession plan for yourself, proper planning and guidance are essential to ensure property passes to the proper persons in the most advantageous way.

Wills and trusts are not just for the wealthy or elderly. If you die without a will, Indiana law will dictate how your property passes, and the result may not be what you desire. Moreover, if you have young children, it is essential that you formulate a plan for their care in the event of your passing. Our estate planning attorneys at Yoder • James Law have more than 80 years of knowledge and experience formulating estate plans which they will use to craft a plan to fit your specific needs.

A fully developed and well-crafted estate plan may also include an appointment of a healthcare representative, and/or a power of attorney. Through an Advanced Directive and Health Care Representative Designation, you can address health care decisions regarding end of life and by appointing a healthcare representative, you can make clear your desire regarding who should make your health care decisions in the event you are unable.

Through a power of attorney, you can designate a fiduciary (trusted person) to act on your behalf, either with you or in the event you are unable to act. The appointment of an attorney-in-fact through a power of attorney provides an essential tool for your loved ones to care for your affairs when you are unwell or otherwise unable. Additionally, a power of attorney may be advisable in other situations, such as an anticipated overseas trip or vacation. Our attorneys are knowledgeable and skilled in assisting you with arranging your affairs in a manner that best suits your needs and circumstances.

Our experienced and skilled attorneys can help protect your assets and ease the burden on you and your loved ones.

Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning

Wills, Trusts & Estates Services

  • Wills

  • Trusts

  • Power of Attorney

  • Advanced Directive

  • Health Care Representative Designation