If you own a business or real estate, there are many legal issues that can and will arise. Whether forming a new business, wondering what liability you might personally face, or simply needing a contract drafted or reviewed, our attorneys can help. The attorneys at Yoder • James Law bring more than 50 years of experience in business and real estate law.

Many entrepreneurs are focused on their ideas, projects, or products, and soon find that they have a fast-growing business on their hands. Without a properly formed corporate entity, you may face personal liability if an accident occurs. Additionally, if you need a loan or investment, the lender or investor may require that you have a properly formed corporation or LLC. As your business grows you may also have questions about employee issues (such as taxes, unemployment compensation, discrimination claims, or non-competition agreements), how to sell your business, how to protect your investment or intellectual property, or succession planning (who will own or run your business if you are no longer there). From formation to sale or succession, our attorneys can guide you through the many legal issues you may face.

We also provides a comprehensive array of real estate services. We have competent, efficient, and helpful staff members and attorneys who will assist you with your real estate issues every step of the way. As we guide you through the process of buying or selling a home, removing or enforcing a lien, clearing title, or establishing adverse possession, our attorneys can help. If you are buying or selling, our experienced attorneys and staff are able to assist you in completing the purchase and sale agreement, reviewing the title history of the property to ensure marketable title and the issuance of a title insurance policy, reviewing and/or preparing all necessary documents, and communicating with your lender, real estate agent, or any other persons involved with your closing.

Business & Real Estate Law

Business & Real Estate Law Services

  • Purchase or Sale: We review and draft documents involving the purchase or sale of a residence or business.

  • Refinance: We can review the terms and advise you regarding potential refinance.

  • Closing Services: We prepare and review the paperwork that could affect you

  • Commercial Leasing: A lease for business or commercial purposes.

  • Land Use and Zoning: Planning how to use or develop a tract of land, we can help you through the process with local government agencies

  • Residential Disclosure Form: Seller’s disclosure of what he knows about his property.

  • Issues associated with real estate sales:

    • Home warranties.

    • Inspection rights of the buyer.

    • Home repair issues.

    • Who pays the closing costs.

    • Marketability of titles.

    • Title insurance policies.

    • Nondisclosure issues.

    • Surveys.

    • Zoning.

    • Lender requirements.