Divorce matters are frequently very taxing on clients and their attorneys. Because such disputes involve family members, they can be extremely strenuous, both emotionally and mentally. While you may desire a speedy and painless process, the other side may not be cooperative. The experienced attorneys at Yoder • James Law are compassionate and understanding while remaining fully prepared to fight for you.

Family law matters are decided by local trial courts but often involve alternative dispute resolution proceedings such as mediation and arbitration or negotiated settlements directly between the parties. In such cases, the parties are generally free to reach an agreement that resolves all or a portion of the issues, such as division of assets. A knowledgeable, skilled, and dedicated family law attorney is needed to protect your interests and advise on possible alternatives that may help the parties find a practical resolution.

Our attorneys are prepared to formulate a plan of action that can help to ease the burden, clear the legal confusion, and aggressively seek resolution of these tough issues.

Divorce & Family Law

Divorce & Family Law Services

  • Divorce

  • Child Custody

  • Child Support